Mihály Tompa

Michael Tompa (Hungarian: Mihály Tompa ), ( born September 28, 1817 in Rimaszombat in Gömörer county; † 30 July 1868 in Hanva ) was a Hungarian poet.

Tompa studied in Rimaszombat and in Sárospatak. It was 1845 Protestant pastors in Beje in Gömörer county, 1848 chaplain in the Honvédarmee and 1852 pastor to Hanva ( Gömörer county), where he worked until the end of his life.

His first independent work was Népregék, Népmondák ( " folk tales, folk tales ," Pest 1846). In the same year the Kisfaludy Society drew his comic poetic narrative Szuhay Mátyás with a price and chose him as their member. 1847 appeared the first edition of his poems.

In the years immediately after the revolution, he gave the then depressed mood with his allegorical poems hope. Responded Political violence and so he had to answer in 1852 before the war court in Košice. In 1858 he was elected by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences as a member, in 1868 he was awarded for his poetry the great academic price (200 ducats ).

A complete edition of his poems was published in 5 volumes ( Pest 1881).

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  • Author
  • Literature (19th century)
  • Literature (in Hungarian )
  • Story
  • Fairy tale
  • Hungarian
  • Born in 1817
  • Died in 1868
  • Man