Mika Väyrynen (accordionist)

Mika Väyrynen ( born October 7, 1967 in Helsinki, Finland) is an accordion virtuoso. He studied at the Conservatory of Tampere, at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki and at the Gustave - Charpentier Conservatory in Paris with Max Bonnay. He received his degree as Master in 1992 and he received his doctorate in 1997.

In 1989 he won first prize in the Coupe Mondiale.

Mika Väyrynen is mainly specialized in the interpretation of classical and modern music for accordion, especially of transcriptions, here he walks in the footsteps of the great Russian accordionist, but with the more modest Finnish gesture. His specialty is the fleet-footed interpretation difficult musical material and convincing interpretation of transcriptions also great orchestral literature on the accordion.

In addition to his concert activities he organizes international workshops and has also worked as a lecturer at the Sibelius Academy in Helsinki.
