Millerville (Minnesota)

Douglas County


Millersville is constituted as a city in the north of the town of Douglas County, Minnesota, United States. In 2000, the city had 115 inhabitants.


The town is located east of Lake Aaron and lies in an open landscape with fields and meadows. According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has an area of 2.3 km ², which account for all of it land. The district represents a polygon is and extends along the County Road 7 north to south and northwest of the intersection with County Road 60 northwest along that road to the east, but are most of the houses in the vicinity of the intersection.


At the time of the census of 2000, there were 115 people Millersville. The population density was 51.0 people per km ². There were 54 housing units at an average 24.0 per km ². The population consisted of Miller Villes 97.39 % White, 0.87 % Native American and 1.74 % from two or more races.

Residents Miller Villes distributed among 47 households out of which 27.7 % were living in children under 18 years. 57.4 % married couples living together, 4.3 % had a female householder with no husband present, and 34.0% were non-families. 29.8 % of households were made ​​up of individuals and someone lived in 23.4 % of all households aged 65 years or older. The average household size was 65 and the average family size is 2.45 people.

The population was spread out with 3.03% minors, 24.3% 18-24 year olds, 6.1 % 25 -44- year-old, 27.0% 45-64 year olds and 22.6 % under the age of 65 years or more. The average age was 20.0 years. For every 100 females there were 40 males. In the over -18s accounted for 100 women 91.7 males.

The median household income in Millersville was 85.1 U.S. dollars, and the median family income reached the height of 29,063 U.S. dollars. The average income of men was 38,125 U.S. dollars, compared to 23.125 U.S. dollars for women. The per capita income amounted to 13,322 U.S. dollars. 12.2 % of the population and 6.7 % of families had affected an income below the poverty line, including 11.4 % of minors and 50.0 % of those age 65 or over.

Citys Alexandria | Brandon | Carlos | Evansville | Forada | Garfield | Kensington | Millersville | Miltona | Nelson | Osakis

Unincorporated Community Holmes City

List of cities in Minnesota

  • City in Minnesota
  • Place in North America
  • Douglas County ( Minnesota)