Mimmo Palmara

Mimmo Palmara (actually Domenico Palmara; born July 25, 1928 in Cagliari ) is an Italian actor and voice actor.


Palmara attended the Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica " Silvio D' Amico " in Rome. From 1952, he appeared in small roles important films in which he could work with Luchino Visconti, Antonio Pietrangeli, Mario Soldati, Mario Monicelli and King Vidor. Above all, the commitment to Pietro Francisci succeeded Palmara, a sought-after performer to be in sandals films, including his athletic physique and his male- good looks helped. ( In The Amazing Adventures of Hercules, he was involved in addition to his own role as a stunt double for lead actor Steve Reeves and must therefore be in a movie scene wrestle with himself. ) Playing also in other times adventure films of the late 1950s and the following decade he was here to stay. The transition to the Spaghetti Western in which he moved back and forth between the role of the hero and the villain, he performed often under the pseudonym Dick Palmer.

Exposures that escaped this role definitions were rare, as he could in some comedies (including with Franco & Ciccio ) his comedic talent show and worked in 1967 as " Masson " in The stranger again with Visconti together. After 1972, he was only rarely seen on the screen; on television ( in which he Anton Giulio Majano debuted 1956) were roles such as in a series string of Uno di noi the exception.

Instead Palmara focused on synchronous work; In 1967 he had before. During the " ARS ", already founded his own company, the " SINC Cinematografica " He was there working as a speaker and as a director.

At the beginning of the 1950s Palmara had also played in the Italian Rugby Championship.

Filmography (selection)
