Ministry of National Education (Turkey)

The Ministry of National Education ( Turkish Millî Eğitim Bakanlığı ) is a ministry of the Government of the Republic of Turkey. The Ministry regulates the affairs of public and private schools from pre-school up to the high schools. At the level of the 81 provinces and 957 districts of Turkey there are Directorates of National Education, which are subject to both the governors and district administrators as well as the Ministry.


With the opening of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on April 23, 1920, the establishment of a Ministry of Education on May 2, 1920, decided. It was one of 11 ministries. The Ministry had 21 employees in four departments: elementary school, middle school, culture and statistics.

1923 derived from the Ottoman Empire Ministry of Education in Istanbul was closed and expanded the Ministry in Ankara. It had 11 divisions. With the Law 2287 of 1933 was reorganized. Over time, the name of the Ministry changed (with or without additional "national" ), and there were times when it was a part of other ministries: December 28, 1935 - September 21, 1941, it was the Ministry of Education and 1983 to 1989 it was the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports.

Structure of the Ministry

The Ministry was established by Decree Law (tr. Kanun Hükmünde Kararname ) No 190 (published in the Official Journal 28054 of September 14, 2011) reorganized. Article 44, the previously existing law 3797 was repealed on 30 April 1992. After the services were no longer divided into main and auxiliary services. Some Directorates of National Education in the provinces were merged and in some places the upper directorates were created for National Education. The existing in the central directorates for preschool and elementary school were combined to form a Directorate of basic training. Among the various directorates ( for Special Affairs ) there is also a Directorate for the European Union and Foreign Relations (tr: Avrupa BİRLİGİ ve Dış İlişkiler Genel Müdürlüğü ).

In the Ministry, there are three main divisions: central organization, local organization (called " taşra " = in the country) and the foreign organization. There is a Minister (since July 6, 2011 Ömer Dinçer ), a Deputy Minister (since October 20, 2001 Orhan Erdem ), a Secretary (since August 8, 2011, Dr. M. Emin Zararsiz ), and five Deputy Secretaries that are each responsible for specific areas. All powers (Settings, transfers, appointments, enacting legislation, program development, etc.) are within the Ministry. The most important Committee for Education (tr: Talim terbiye Kurulu ). It is composed of a Chairman and ten members. The Chairperson shall be appointed for a term of four years. He advises the Minister on all aspects of the curriculum.

In the Directorates of National Education at the provincial level, there are the departments of " control", " learning materials ", " consulting and research ". This Directorate is also responsible for the directorates at the county level. The Directorate of National Education at the county level are responsible for teaching in the county seat and the associated villages. The directors are subject to the District Administrator and the Director of National Education at the provincial level. School boards are composed usually of the Director and the faculty of the school.

In the central administration ( the Ministry ) worked in 2011 about 4,000 employees. At the time the Ministry were under 700,000 teachers and 80,000 employees. In a parliamentary question of the deputies of the Republican People's Party (CHP) for the province of Denizli, Ali Riza Ertemür, the then Minister Nimet Cubukcu said this, that in 2002 a total of 635 215 persons were employed by the Ministry and this number had increased to 2010 752 207.
