Mole people

The term tunnel people ( in English: "Mole People", literally translated as "mole people " ) refers to an unknown number of homeless people living in abandoned subway tunnels of New York. It is difficult to determine how many people live there, but a study in 1989 estimated the number at 5,000. While it is generally known that some homeless people use accessible, abandoned underground structures, there are modern legends with further allegations. These include that the tunnel people have come together to form small tribes of several hundred people. It is further alleged that they have developed their own culture. This topic is of interest to sociologists, but at the same time due to the few facts very controversial.

A broadcast of Jerry Springer has introduced this particular society.


The computer game "Deus Ex" has a level in which the character must enter a tunnel people village while chasing terrorists. In the game, people are as friendly, compared with the surface dwellers represented anxious.

In Marvel Comics ' The Fantastic Four ", there is a villain named" The Mole Man " who rules over an entire race of tunnel people who live in the depths below New York. The Mole Man and his people were first introduced in Fantastic Four # 1

In the television series Extreme Ghostbusters the tunnel people dive in the Episode 33 "Haunted in the tunnel people " ( The Mole People) on.

In the television series Beauty and the Beast ( Beauty and the Beast, 1987-1990) with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman, lives the "beast " in a society that is hidden in the tunnels of New York.

The film " Subway" by Luc Besson plays for the most part in the Paris metro and shows a parallel society living there.
