Moritz von Jacobi

Moritz Hermann von Jacobi ( born September 21, 1801 in Potsdam, .. † 27 Februarjul / 11 March 1874greg in Saint Petersburg ) was a German and Russian physicist and engineer. He developed the first practicable electric motor.


Moritz Hermann von Jacobi was a brother of the mathematician Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi. Jacobi was first builder in Königsberg, before he went in 1835 as professor of civil architecture to Tartu. In 1837 he was appointed to Saint Petersburg, where he was Adjunct 1839.

1842 Jacobi was elected an associate and in 1847 a full member of the Academy of Sciences. He was shortly afterwards Russian State Council. Since 1853 he was also a member of the Roman Accademia dei Lincei.

His reputation established Jacobi especially for his invention of the electroforming (1837 ) and the application of electro-magnetism to the movement of machinery and vehicles. His first technically viable DC motor he designed in 1834. On September 13, 1838 went on the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, an electric boat that was powered by a Jacobi - motor with 220 W power and 2.5 km / h, a 7, 5 km route lay back.

He also presented since 1850 in large scale experiments with arc lamps, and after him is the Jacobian oxyhydrogen unit, a used 1900 unit of the stream named.


  • The electroforming. Saint Petersburg ( 1840) digitized
  • Mémoire sur l' application de l' au électromagnetisme mouvement des machines. Saint Petersburg ( 1835)