
The morphonology (also: morphophonology, Morphonemik, Morphophonemik ) is a branch of linguistics, in particular in theoretical linguistics, and is as a "link " between phonology ( phonology ) and morphology ( morphology ) is conceivable. It examines the practices of certain rules sound change between different forms of meaningful parts of words, called allomorphs. These regular sound change are called " Morphoneme ". The term " morphonology " was proposed in 1929 by the Russian linguist Nikolay Sergeyevich Trubetzkoy as a necessary level of description between phonology and morphology for the systematic investigation and presentation of Morphoneme.

Object of study of morphonology are particularly the following phenomena:

  • Devoicing ( loss of voicing of consonants in final position of a word )
  • Vowel harmony ( depending on the quality of certain vowels by other vowels in the word preceding )
  • Liaison ( certain phonetic connections between two words )
  • Ablaut ( vowel changes in the stem of a word)