Moses Amyraut

Moyse Amyraut, Moses Amyraldus (* September 1596 in Bourgueil at Tours; † January 8, 1664 in Saumur, Maine -et -Loire Dépt. ) Was a Reformed theologian from France.


Amyraut worked in Saumur first as a pastor and from 1633 as a professor of theology at an academy. In his Traité de la prédestination he tried 1634, the strict predestination of the Synod of Dort mitigate by a universalism hypotheticus, ie, by the doctrine of a gracious God, to make all people happy on the condition of faith.

Indicted on various French national synods, he was acquitted again. A temporary condemnation of his doctrine, called Amyraldismus, finally reached in 1674 the Zurich Professor Johann Heinrich Heidegger and his colleague François Turrettini Geneva ( 1623-1687 ) with the consensus Helveticus.
