Mrauk U


Mrauk U ( Burmese: မြောက် ဦး မြို့, formerly Mrohaung ) is an archaeologically important town in the Rakhine State, in western Myanmar. It lies east of the Kaladan River, and north and south is surrounded by hills.


In 1430, King Min Saw Mon established the place that served as the capital of the last combined Arakan Kingdom under the name Mrohaung to 1785. Mrohaung reached during the mid-16th century, a size of about 120,000 people. The city conducted trade with Ava, Pegu, Portugal, the Netherlands, Arabia, Persia and India. The traded goods were rice, cotton, rubies, elephants, slaves, horses, ivory, cowrie shells and spices. This describes particularly the Dutch ship's doctor of the Dutch East India Company (VOC ) Wouter Schouten in his book "The Journey to the East Indies " from 1676.

At the time of its peak of Mrauk U controlled half of Bangladesh, including Dhaka and Chittagong, today's Rakhine State and the western part of Lower Burma. During this period the kings stamped coins in Akaranesischer writing, as well as Bengali language in Kufic script. At the time of flowering, many pagodas and temples were built, which are now endure. The most notable are the Shite Thaung Temple (Temple of 80,000 Images or Temple of Victory), the Htukkannthein Temple ( Htukkanthei Ordination Hall ), the Koe Thaung Temple (Temple of 90 000 images ) and the Five Mahn pagodas of Mahn.

The Burmese king Tabishwehti grabbed 1546-1547 Mrauk U on, in 1784 led King Bodawpaya a storm on the city through that eventually brought Mrauk U to case on January 2, 1785.

When the British in the 19th century shifted the administrative center after Akyab, the decay of Maruk began U. The city got the name Mrohaung ( Old Town ), until 1979 it was renamed again in Mrauk U. Mrauk U is translated monkey egg, which is a term for " potato " was in arakanesischer language.


The surrounding area of Mrauk U prepared according to the Irrawaddy Delta, the second most important rice production facility Myanmar dar. Today, Mrauk U is primarily an archaeological site. It is located about a two- day trip from Yangon or a 3-5 hour boat ride from Akjab over the kalanda - river. Around Mrauk U were a multitude of pagodas, temples and religious buildings get erected since its founding in 1431.

Mrauk U is predominantly a Buddhist site. The Santikan Mosque ( Sindhi Khan Mosque ) southeast of the city dates from the 15th/16th. Century.


Shite - thaung Temple

Htukkanthein Temple

Buddha statue in temple Htukkanthein

Koe - thaung Temple

Andaw - thein ordination hall

Le - myet - hna Temple

Ratana -pon
