Mung bean

Mung bean ( Vigna radiata)

Called The mung bean ( Vigna radiata), and mung bean, Jerusalem bean or Lunjabohne and also as Mung Dal or Mung Daal known, is a species of the subfamily of the Fabaceae ( Faboideae ) within the legume family ( Fabaceae or Leguminosae). In German-speaking seedlings are often incorrectly referred to as bean sprouts. This crop is closely related to a number of other " beans " called crops, especially with the Urdbohne ( Vigna mungo ). The mung bean is grown in India for some 1,000 years and is now widespread throughout Southeast Asia.

  • 5.1 Notes and references


The mung bean is an annual herbaceous plant. It grows mostly erect, usually much branched and reaches heights of growth from 30 to 150 cm; there are also winding and semi- creeping varieties. The stems are very hairy with brown, stiff, out wide hairs ( trichomes ). The change-constant leaves usually have 5 to 21 stems and three-part leaf blades. The stalked 3-6 mm long, usually broadly oval, single or two-to three-lobed part leaves are long, 3-12 cm wide, 5 to 16 cm and have a distinct tip. The partial blades may be hairy or hairless scaly on both surfaces. The shield-shaped stipules are 10 to 18 mm long.

The axillary related to 2.5 to 9.5 cm long stems, slightly branched inflorescences with few-flowered, racemose partial inflorescences; total is a many flowered inflorescence. The bracts are about 4 to 5 mm long and the bracts are 4-7 mm long.

The hermaphrodite flowers are zygomorphic. The five glabrous, about 3 to 4 mm long sepals are fused with five about 1.5 to 4 mm long, hairy calyx teeth; the upper sepal pair is almost completely overgrown. The five petals are usually greenish to pale yellow. The flag is about 12 mm. The varieties can be easily held homozygous because they are predominantly self-pollinating.

Most develop at a fruit stand just two legumes. The linear cylindrical, rough and dark brown hairy legumes have a length of 4 to 10 cm and a diameter of about 0.5 cm. The mature legumes are stained dark brown to blackish. Each legume usually contains seven to twenty seeds externally emerge clearly on the sleeve. The pea-sized ( 2-5 × 3-4 mm) seeds can be almost round and plump or elongated to square rounded; they have a dark green, sometimes yellow or black color. The elongated navel spot is 1.5 × 0.5 mm in size and fed, but bulged in itself. The thousand kernel weight is 20 to 42 grams.



The mung beans are easier to digest than the spread in Central Europe garden beans and do not cause flatulence. However, they also have much less taste. One can use the bean sprouts, the fresh sleeves or the dried beans. Mung beans germinate easily. This property is used in many households to pull the seedlings in special seed shells themselves. Mung sprouts are often incorrectly referred to and acted, as they are very similar to soybeans as " Soy sprouts " or " bean sprouts ". Mung bean sprouts are a classic wok vegetables, but are also used in salad mixes. Among others, the Asian glass noodles are made from their flour. In India the mung bean staple food and an important source of protein. It is processed to Dal and eaten as a snack. For this purpose, the dried beans are soaked in water, dried and then again deep-fried in oil.


The ingredients of the mung bean differ from those of Urdbohne little. The mung bean has about 24% ( by dry weight) of a relatively high protein content, which is considered with its high lysine content as valuable. The shoots that can be eaten raw, is low in calories and rich in fiber, vitamins and folic acid ( 59.6 % carbohydrates, vitamins: A, B1, B2, niacin, C, E, minerals: potassium and phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium).



The first publication as Phaseolus radiatus was performed in 1753 in Species Plantarum, 725 by Carl Linnaeus. The currently valid name in 1954 by Rudolf Wilczek in Fl. Congo Belge. , 6, posted 386.

Vigna radiata belongs to the subgenus in the genus Vigna Ceratotropis.

There are three varieties:

  • Vigna radiata var grandiflora ( Prain ) Niyomdham ( syn. Phaseolus sublobatus var grandiflora Prain ( basionym ) )
  • Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek var radiata ( syn. Phaseolus aureus Roxb, Phaseolus radiatus L. ( basionym ). )
  • Vigna radiata var sublobata ( Roxb. ) Verdc. ( Syn: .. Phaseolus setulosus Dalzell, Phaseolus sublobatus Roxb ( basionym ), Phaseolus trinervius Wight & Arn, Vigna radiata var setulosa ( Dalzell ) Ohwi & H.Ohashi, Vigna sublobata ( Roxb. ) Bairig et al. ).