
The Murz between Miirzsteg and Neuberg

The Murz is a river in Austria. It is about 98 km long, has a flow averaging ( MQ ) of 7 m³ / sec in Neuberg and 20 m³ / sec in Kapfenberg. The name comes from Muorica, the Slavic word for " small Mur ".


The two source rivers Miirz arise north of Schneealpe, the silence Murz in Lower Austria, the Cold Murz in Neuwald at the Styrian and Lower Austrian border. The upper reaches of the Murz S-shaped cuts through the Styrian and Lower Austrian Limestone Alps, formed after the village Frein the spectacular gorge, Dead woman with the same waterfall. Dobreinbach, Tirol Bach and Raxenbach are the main feeder to Miirzzuschlag. After the confluence of the Fröschnitz in the Murz the underflow extends in a southwesterly direction to the mouth of the river Mur at Bruck. Significant feeder in this section are the Veitsch and from the high- Schwab - field of Thoerl Bach and the Laming.

Along the lower course runs along the Murz the route of the Southern Railway, and the Semmeringschnellstraße (S6).

Economic Importance

The occurrence of iron ore and forest wealth in Muerztal left early an iron processing arise. The water Miirz served to drive the hammer mills and for bringing ( drift ) of the wood from the forests of the upper Mürztals to the works. Some flux power plants of Neuberg to Bruck an der Mur used today for the production of electricity. Companies they are affiliated with Kaplan turbines, named after the inventor born in Miirzzuschlag Viktor Kaplan. Here is a sight power plant with one of the first turbine.

Tourism and fisheries

The clear water and the wildness of the Murz upper reaches her to become a popular destination for fishing and kayak athletes. The natural landscape is the basis of the nature park Mürzer Oberland.
