Mutinus borneensis

Mutinus borneensis

Mutinus borneensis, New Zealand, also known as "Yellow Stinkhorn ", is a species of fungus in the genus of the dog Rods ( Mutinus ), belongs to the family of Stinkmorchelverwandten ( Phallaceae ). It was first described in 1879 by the Italian botanist Vincenzo de Cesati.


First, the fruiting bodies of Mutinus borneensis form a whitish, ovoid Hexenei. At maturity opens Hexenei and it extends the sleek Receptaculum out, which is 10 cm high and 1 cm wide. The receptaculum ends in a strongly narrowed, yellowish tip which is covered by the olive-green, foul-smelling gleba.

Tip of the fruiting body


Mutinus borneensis is native to China, Borneo and Australia. In addition, the species could be found in New Zealand.


In Mutinus borneensis is a Saprobionten growing on plant debris and dead wood. In New Zealand, where the fruit body can be found in summer and autumn, the type appears in Podocarpus ( Podocarpus ) and mixed forests.


  • Bessey CE. (1886 ): Botany. The American Naturalist 20 (9): 804-808. doi: 10.1086/274332
  • Huang N -L. (1985 ): Notes on Phallales from Fujian China. (In Chinese). Wuyi Science Journal 5: 211-18. ISSN 1001-4276.
  • May TW, Milne J, Shingles S, Jones RH. (2008): Fungi of Australia. CSIRO Publishing. p. 140 ISBN 978-0643069077, Accessed on 27 October 2009
  • Http://
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