
With Myrmekophilie is referred to in the ecology of the binding of a kind of ants.

Myrmecophilous plants

In botany Myrmekophilie is used as a generic term for associations of ants and plants, in which the plant exclusively attracts ants. Myrmecophilous plants benefit in various ways from the relationship.

  • Seed dispersal. Many plant species have seeds with specific organs, such as Elaiosomes which serve specifically the spread by ants. This is known as myrmecochory.
  • Pollination. Unlike other Hymenoptera, especially bees, pollination of plants by ants is rather rare. Pollinated species of ants have only a few special adaptations, often are rather opportunistic ants or Zufallsbestäuber, but can still regional importance in a number of ways to be. A tropical orchid attracts male ants by mimicking females. The male fertilizes the blossom by Pseudokopulation. Due to the rarity and the most unspecific flower shape no special technical term has been established for pollination by ants.

In addition to the attractants, the ants get protection in return. Many tropical plant species have ant special cavities, which are called Domatien as nesting opportunities. Also there ( same or different ) plant extrafloral nectaries, which are visited by ants for food production. The partners of the Community plant are often referred to as Myrmecophyten.

Myrmecophilous Animals

In some species there is also a myrmekophiles reproductive behavior. One distinguishes types that operate mimesis, that have a similar appearance and other ants, which attractants (pheromones ) and the discharge of sugary excretions seem attractive to the host ants. Both would also be distinguished by symbiotic and parasitic lifestyle. Usually the ant population has a protective function for the myrmecophilous species.

The most common rove beetle are found ( Staphylinidae ) as ants guests.

The ants Grille lives in Ameisenbauten, as different ants spiders.

Various butterflies of the family Lycaenidae ( Lycaenidae ) are partially dependent on ant species and a particular plant species, making it into two factors susceptible to extinction. They live symbiotically or parasitically as a caterpillar in Ameisenbauten.


There are different categories of Myrmekophilie, depending on the ratio of Gastart to the ant hosts. Nowadays, these categories are, however, in the discussion, since myrmecophilous species often fit into several of these categories.

  • Trophobiosis: The ants live from the secretions of another species ( eg the honeydew of aphids ).
  • Symphilie: guest ratio. The ants cultivate the Gastart (eg, beetles) because it secretes coveted secretions. The benefit to the ants is doubtful, since the Gastart often fed by the ants hosts.
  • Probiose: The two species live together without mutual benefit. The myrmecophile guest observed the ants no further.
  • Synechthrie: The ants are chased from their guests and eaten ( enemy ratio).