Names in Marble (film)

  • Priit Võigemast: Henn Ahaz
  • Indrek Sammul: Ants Ahaz his brother
  • Hele Kore: Marta, Henn love
  • Alo Kõrve: Käsper
  • Anti Reinthal: Tääker
  • Ott Sepp: Mugur
  • Mart Toome: Miljan
  • Karol Kuntsel: Martinson
  • Ott Aardam: Kohlapuu
  • Argo Aadli: Konsap
  • Bert Raudsep: Käämer
  • Guido Kangur: Karakull
  • Peter Franzén: Sulo Kallio, Finnish commander
  • Jaan Tätte: Captain Oskar Eller
  • Hannes Kaljujärv: Group leader
  • Martin Veinmann: battalion commander Karl Einbund
  • Mikko Fritze: German officer

Nimed marmortahvlil (in German The name on the marble slab ) is the title of an Estonian feature film from the year 2002. Hire The German title is the name in marble.


In the center of the story are young Estonian high school students. Main character is Henn Ahaz, who comes from a poor family. Henn hesitates to draw to the patriotic cause in the war. Only when his hometown Tartu is attacked by the Red Army, he decides to voluntarily follow with his schoolmates the call to arms. He is now fighting against the Communists for the independence of the Estonian democracy. Will he find fame, recognition and love for Marta from the wealthy neighboring family - or will remain on the marble plaque to the fallen only his name?


Director of the Estonian- Finnish co-production was the Este Elmo Nüganen. Together with the Estonian producer Kristian Taska He wrote the screenplay based on the novel by Albert Kivikas. The film was a considerable budget of 24 million Estonian crowns available. Nimed marmortahvlil had in Tallinn premiere on 1 November 2002. He was born in Estonia to a great public success.

After the movie Noored Kotkad the Estonian director Theodor Luts from 1927 Nimed marmortahvlil is the second Estonian feature film that deals with the Estonian War of Independence.


The film is based on the novel of the Estonian writer Albert Kivikas. He appeared in 1936 in three parts. In the novel Kivikas processed his own experiences as a soldier in the Estonian War of Independence.

The novel was as patriotic work in Estonia during the interwar period very influential and was awarded with important literary prizes. In February 1938, one written by Albert Kivikas and August Annist theatrical version of Premiere. In the forced by the Soviet occupation of Estonia emigration Albert Kivikas wrote three volumes continued in Sweden. They appeared in 1948, 1951 and 1954.
