National Centre of Independents and Peasants

The Centre national des Independants et paysans (CNI ) is a French political party of the moderate right. She was national des Independants founded on January 6, 1949 as Centre and bear its present name since the union with the Peasant Party ( Parti paysan ) in 1951. Between 2002 and 2009 she was a corporate member of the Union pour un mouvement populaire of Nicolas Sarkozy. Party chairman since 2000, Annick you Roscoät.


The CNI presented with the second president René Coty and with Antoine Pinay and Joseph Laniel two Prime Minister of the Fourth Republic. One of the outstanding members of the party in the National Assembly was the former Prime Minister of the III. Republic of Paul Reynaud. The current right-wing extremist Jean -Marie Le Pen (National Front ) was originally a Member of the CNI ( 1958-1962 ).


With between 90 and 120 delegates, the party played a significant role in 1952-1962.

Domestically, she sat down for an amnesty in favor of many in the time of " EPURATION " immediately after the liberation of convicted collaborators one.

Economic policy, they represented a more liberal, against the dirigiste policy of Socialists ( SFIO ), Communists (PCF ) and Christian Democrats ( MRP) -oriented course.

In foreign policy, it supported the European integration and NATO membership of France.

1958 supported the CNI to power of Charles de Gaulle and the establishment of the Fifth Republic. However, it rejected the introduction of the direct election of the president in 1962. The party split in the Algerian question about the vote of no confidence against the government of Georges Pompidou in October 1962. Went from this cleavage than the new grouping Républicains independents out to where the future president Valéry Giscard d' Estaing was.

In the elections on 18 and 25 November 1962, the CNI lost most of its seats and the party has since then played no significant role. In the 1980s, she undertook attempts by a kind of bridge between the conservative parties RPR and UDF one hand and the other hand to gain political importance of the extreme right National Front. They repeatedly went a list compounds with various conservative and right-wing groups.


The CNI provides two deputies in the National Assembly and one senator who belong to each of the Group of UMP.

In the 2007 presidential election, the party supported Nicolas Sarkozy, after it had received its own candidate, deputy party chairman Jean -Michel Jardry, not the required 500 signatures of MPs, senators, mayors and / or other officials.

In the spring of 2009, the CRF has announced that it would terminate its membership in the UMP due to growing misconceptions: Sarkozy's government is about not working hard enough in their opposition to EU membership for Turkey, and was more concerned with the so-called " Ouverture " (with further government participation isolated socialist dissidents ), as to reinforce the right alliance CNI but remained with their own lists in the following European elections on 9 June 2009 without success.

