Antoine Pinay

Antoine Pinay ( born December 30, 1891 in Saint- Symphorien- sur- Coise, Rhône, † December 13, 1994 in Saint- Chamond, Loire ) was a French politician and 1952-1953 Minister of France.


Pinay, son of a successful hat manufacturers, first completed a business education. The First World War cost him an arm. He subsequently established from the tanning of Fouletier family in Saint- Chamond a successful business on.

In this small town Pinay was mayor from 1929 to 1977. In addition, he was a deputy of the department of Loire in 1936 in the French National Assembly. Between 1938 and 1940 he was a member of the Senate and served there as a representative of the conservative middle class and the commercial middle class.

Although Pinay 1940 rejected the policy of collaboration of the Vichy regime under Philippe Pétain, he remained during the German occupation of his offices. Therefore, he was after the liberation of France, first to the " unelectable ". " The general recognition of the population for his services and the fact that he has hidden German Jews from the Gestapo, but he soon allow the return to political office. "

So Pinay was in 1945 elected to the Constituent National Assembly, and from 1946 was also the National Assembly, where he joined the Group of Independent Republicans joined. In 1948 he was a member as Secretary of State for Economic Affairs of the Government in the 1st and 2nd Cabinet Queuille. In addition, Pinay was 1949-1979 President of the General Council of the department of Loire.

Pinay became Minister for the first time in 1950 in Pleven cabinet with responsibility for Public Works, then to 1952 in the Cabinet Faure, responsible for transport.

The year 1952 brought Pinay itself to the government of the Fourth Republic, from February to December 22 of the year he was with the support of the Party Centre national des Independants et paysans (CNI ) Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. In this capacity he fought inflation and stabilized the French economy. The so-called Pinay bond, bound to the gold price and tax-free, gave the government new funding. Pinays government was ended by his resignation due to the resistance against his planned tax reform. After Pinay had in 1955 tried unsuccessfully to form a government again, he was Foreign Minister from 1955 to 1956 in the second cabinet Faure. As such, he participated in the Geneva summit conference.

During the political crisis in May 1958 Pinay supported a transfer of power to Charles de Gaulle. This has been appointed to the French prime minister and elected by the constitutional amendment for the first president of the Fifth French Republic. Under de Gaulle Pinay 1958-1960 was the first economic and finance ministers and sought the economic and financial recovery of France. In 1958 he was instrumental in the launch of the new French franc ( Nouveau Francesco, NF). However, when he rejected a reform of commercial law and the improvement of the position of the trade unions, he was forced to resign in January 1960.

Subsequently, he was president until 1985 the Compagnie Francaise pour la diffusion of techniques, from 1962 also advisor to the Societé pour l' expansion à l' étranger industrial francais, 1964-1973 also President of the Authority for Regional Economic Development in Rhône -Alpes.

After Pinay in 1969 supported the presidential candidacy of the Gaullist Georges Pompidou, he was appointed in 1973 for a year, for the first French mediator to resolve the tensions between the government, parliament and administration. Also, Valéry Giscard d' Estaing received the support Pinays in his election as President.

As Pinay in 1991 celebrated its 100th birthday, he called for the resignation of President François Mitterrand and later praised the Prime Minister Édouard Balladur.

With an age of 102 years, he was the longest-lived prime minister of France.
