National Socialist Women's League

The National Socialist Women's short NSF was the women's organization of the National Socialist German Workers' Party ( NSDAP). It was created in October 1931 as a merger of several national and national socialist women's associations, such as the 1926 German incurred women religious ( DFO). Henceforth, under the woman stood shaft of the NSDAP Reich leadership. Girls and young women fell into the League of German Girls jurisdiction ( BDM).

In connection with this reorganization had the Reich Organization Leader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, limited the tasks of the women's organization on economic and sick nursing activities and participation in the political training of the female members of the NSDAP. According to the information provided by the National Socialist Women's Organization this December 31, 1932 had 109 320 members.

During the period of National Socialism from 1933, the NSF was the direct connection of all other non -Nazi women's groups and associations under the umbrella organization of the German Women's work ( DFW). From February 1934 to the end desZweiten World War in 1945 the National Socialist Women of the " Reich Women's Leader, " Gertrud Scholtz - Klink ( 1902 to 1999 ) was passed, which is also the DFW board. At times, the NSF had 2.3 million members. The political influence of the NSF within the NSDAP and the rulers of the state, however, tended towards zero, which is estimated to have the Nazi image of women that did not provide for power and political participation for women. The " German woman " was defined as a housewife and mother, a role distribution, which has been propagated by the Nazi women's organization. The general care and rearing of the children were classified as " female habitat " dubs (in the sense of social environment ), a name that took over the National Socialism of the conservative- bourgeois women's movement.

For a wide width effect were mainly achieved by mothers training courses of the Women's Association, which had been until 1937 already by every 5th woman visits (over 20 years ). The training content was based primarily on the book The German mother and her first child the National Socialist Johanna Haarer.

With the mission to conduct systematic overseeing, training and management responsibilities, the members had to attend at least once a month on the weekly women's organization evenings. Focus of this educational work was the preparation of women for their duties as a housewife and mother. This was part of courses for household and health management and for education issues. For this training tasks of the NSF were his own kingdom and Gauschulen available. Its internal structure corresponded to the subdivision of the NSDAP Gau, county, local group, cell and block or "House Entertainment Group ".
