Naval Vessel Register

The Naval Vessel Register (NVR; German naval vessel register) is run by the management of the U.S. Navy. It contains all the data in the service fleet and some of decommissioned but not yet scrapped ships.


The NVR has been introduced in the eighties of the 19th century as a combination of several other publications. 1911 Ships Data U.S. Naval Vessels Report of Bureau of Construction and Repair was published. As the Bureau of Ships took on this task, the report in Ships Data Book (ship data book ) has been renamed. In parallel, the Bureau of Ordnance in 1942 published the first time the Vessel Register ( later renamed the Naval Vessel Register ), 1959 combined with the Ships Data Book and continued by the Bureau of Ships. Starting in 1962, then the NAVSHIPSO ( NAVSEA Shipbuilding Support Office ) was entrusted with the maintenance of the register.


Ships are registered in the NVR as soon as the President has given his approval to build a new ship unit and the classification as well as the registration number has been assigned. A ship is out in the NVR as long as it is owned by the U.S. Navy. In its decommissioning the date and nature of the fate of the ship are recorded. The register is updated weekly.
