
Live reconstruction

Necrolemur is an extinct primate species. She lived in the Eocene, and died at the end of this series of chronostratigraphic. Fossils are known from Germany, Switzerland, Spain and France, including well-preserved skull from phosphorites of Quercy.


Necrolemur was about 25 cm long, resembled a tarsier and was probably nocturnal and arboreal. Eyes and ears were large, the skull tapers to. The large eye sockets were not separated by a bony wall of the temporal fossa. The brain is close to the eye sockets. The skull is large and round, well-known by a stone core brain shape is with its small frontal lobe of the brain of the tarsiers. The olfactory bulb is greater than the Tarsiers, the facial skull less reduced, delayed the great occipital foramen ventral ( belly side).

Necrolemur had a total of 34 teeth, two options are possible for the dental formula of the mandible.

The femur, tibia and fibula fused legs, the heel bone and the location of the Great occipital suggest that Necrolemur was moving along like the tarsiers by bipedes jumping.


  • Necrolemur antiquus
  • Necrolemur zitteli