Negro River (Uruguay)

Río Negro at Paso del Puerto

The Río Negro is a river in Uruguay.

He crosses the country from northeast to southwest and is in the middle of the country east of Paso de los Toros to 1140 km ² lake Rincón del Bonete dammed. The river is the main tributary of the Uruguay River. Its source is near the city of Bagé in Brazil. It flows south-west of Mercedes in the Río Uruguay, after having traveled a distance of 750 km. The main tributaries are of the Río Tacuarembó right and left of the Río Yi.

The river divides Uruguay in a northern part with six departments and in a southern, more densely populated and more developed part with 13 departments. Besides a significant contribution to the water supply of the country, he also supplies a large part of the electrical energy used in the country.
