
Nepos is in the Latin language to a concrete term for a nephew ( his grandson ), on the other, the name given to descendants in general. It also appears as a cognomen.

Bearers of the name

Development, descent

Similar terms appear and Greek language ( άνεψιός, "sibling son, nephew ," of ά - νεπτιός arise ) already in the Old Indic ( Napat ).

In medieval Latin called " Nepos " then across any relatives without could be deduced on the degree of kinship. In the French language the word as neveu (nephew ) has been received.

In the German language was superior handling, with a mocking connotation, mediated via the French word Neveu (also Nevö ) related to 1914 (up to the then campaign against words of French origin ). Today only for a (mostly in politics) favored younger relatives plays of nepos derived, obsolescent foreign word " nephew " a role, as well as the derived still used word " nepotism ".
