Neptune (ship)

The Neptune was one of the ships of the notorious Second Fleet, have been associated with the British convicts, settlers and supplies to the newly founded colony in Australia. It was built in 1779 by the Thames with 809 gross tons and was the largest ship in the Second Fleet. Together with the Surprize and Scarborough she ran out with 421 male and 78 female convicts on board of England on 19 January 1790. Her captain was Donald Traill, the ship's doctor William Gray. She reached on April 13, the Cape of Good Hope, where they spent 16 days and 12 convicts and provisions of the destroyed after contact with an iceberg HMS Guardian took on board.

You and the Scarborough were separated into heavy weather of the Surprize. The Neptune arrived on 28 June 1790 a total of 160 -day trip to Port Jackson. During the trip, 158 (31%) of the convicts died, another 269 ( 53%) were ill upon arrival.

Among the passengers of the Neptune was D' Arcy Wentworth, after a suburb of Sydney, Wentworthville is named today.
