Ness (Irish mythology)

Nessa, also Nesa, Ness or Nes is the name of a legendary figure from the Ulster Cycle of Celtic mythology of Ireland.


Nessa is a king's daughter and the mother of Conchobar mac Nessa. Once she asks ( in the narrative Compert Conchobuir, " Conchobar procreation " ) the druid Cathbad what this day is particularly good, and his answer is: " A good day for a queen to witness a King " There is no other man in the around, she takes him in her bedroom and shows him Conchobar.

In another version, she is raised by 12 drawing fathers and given the name Asa ( " soft" ), since it is a completely problem child. Cathbad is here called both as a druid, as well as leader of the Fianna, the coat of the house with his warriors and every 12 men killed. Assa now founded his own Fianna and fights against Cathbad, so she is now Ni- Assa ( " not gentle " ), briefly called Nessa. But Cathbad defeated, raped and impregnated her and forces her to become his wife. When he asks one day to bring him water, he finds in the vessel two worms. He lets himself Nessa drink, she becomes pregnant and gives birth by worms Conchobar. At his birth, he has the two worms in his fists.

The King Fergus mac Róich of Ulster falls in love with Nessa and she agrees to a connection, if for a year he Conchobar make his ruler in his place. As Fergus believes this is only nominally meant he agrees, but Nessa knows how to make her son at the Ultem so popular that they choose him instead of Fergus as king.

Nessa is also the mother of Finncháem, Elbha and Deichtire.
