
Deichtire [d ʴ ect ʴ ir ʴ e], Deichtine [d ʴ ect ʴ in ʴ e], also Dechtire or Dectera is in Celtic mythology of Ireland, a legendary figure from the Ulster Cycle.


  • Article Compert Con Chulainn

Deichtire is a daughter, a sister in other versions of King Conchobhar Mac Nessa, but also daughter of the Druid Cathbad with Nessa and sister Elbhas and Finncháems it is called. She is the mother Cú Chulainn, even here there are different traditions. As the daughter Cathbads they disappeared one day and was rediscovered after the god Lugh and left the Ultem a son who was raised by Finncháem, Deichtires sister.

As the daughter (or sister) Conchobhars she was his charioteer, stayed for a night at a farm where Lugh was sleeping with her. The resulting child from this union was first named Sétanta mac Sualtaim. However, the pregnancy to have come by swallowing small little animal about. Conchobhar married his daughter then with Sualtam, the son of an elf. Again, the boy is raised by Finncháem.
