Neuendorfer Wiek and Beuchel Island Nature Reserve

54.5358213.30067Koordinaten: 54 ° 32 ' 9 " N, 13 ° 18 ' 2" O

The nature reserve Neuendorfer Wiek with island Beuchel is a 550 hectares of nature reserve on the island of Rügen in Mecklenburg- Vorpommern. The island Beuchel was reported on July 25, 1940. In the years 1999 and 2004 were made extensions to the part of the Neuendorfer Wiek.

Surrounding villages are Trent and new churches. The protective purpose is to obtain a characteristic and representative section of the North Rügen Bodden chain, which has a number of rare and threatened habitat types and is considered to be the habitat of a rich fish fauna and diverse breeding and migratory birds.

The nature reserve is in good condition. The protection goal, however, preclude ambition to tackle gravel.

The conservation area is protected under EU law as part of the FFH area Nordrügensche Bodden landscape and bird sanctuary inland lagoon of Rügen.

From the streets surrounding an insight into the nature reserve is possible.


The area was formed by the last ice advances of the Weichselian. Oser are north of Zessin. The areas on the banks are extensively used for centuries as salt marshes. Due to the absence of the dikes, there was periodic flooding. The southern Neuendorfer Wiek was diked in the late 19th century and dewatered by means of two wind pumping stations. In the planted with reed bank areas was carried out in the winter months reed advertising. In the areas of water pot fishery is operated for centuries. The Oszug was until the 1950s grazed by sheep and horses and used until 1990 as arable land.

Plant and animal world

Typical of the nature reserve are Spülsäumen, brackish water reed beds, salt marshes and cliffs. To the east of the area of sand Magerrasen find with Filzkräutern or Dillenius Speedwell.

The island Beuchel is an important breeding places for many species of birds, such as ducks, geese, swans, mergansers, waders, gulls and river and sandwich tern. The Neuendorfer Wiek protects the island from interference and is also of great importance as a breeding area for other species such as grebes, Bless Rail, Pochard, Marsh Harrier, Reed Warbler, beard and Beutelmeise. In autumn and spring migratory birds use the land as a resting, rest and food space with partly thousands of individuals. Eagle, crane and otters are found in the area. The fish fauna is the nature reserve as a reproduction room.
