New Community Movement

The New Village Movement was initiated in 1970 by South Korean President Park Chung -hee, to raise the rural standard of living through activation of the initiative under the Leitworten "Diligence ", " self-help " and " cooperation."

The New Village Movement was created as a so-called rice - root democracy, that is, as a democratic activity in the population base. The villagers were encouraged to establish committees and to decide on their development program. The administration gave technical advice, borrowed equipment and materials supplied under the condition that the villagers help the state supplemented through his own efforts and own material.

With improved methods of cultivation, the harvesting of rice and barley within ten years increased by 54%. Small workshops produced and in some villages in addition silkworms, mushrooms or mussels were grown. In large scale houses were repaired, thatched roofs replaced by brick and connected most of the rural households to the electricity grid.
