New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem (also called "Heavenly Jerusalem " ) arises from a vision of the New Testament book of Revelation, chapter 21, which at the end of the Apocalypse, a new city, a new Jerusalem will arise. This happens after the old heaven and the old earth had passed away.

So Rev 21.1-2 EU describes that in the Apocalypse, the final judgment and the final battle between God and the devil, in the end God will emerge victorious from this battle. Then, the earth and the sky will be renewed and a city will come down from heaven, the New Jerusalem. In the historical impact of this vision often forms the Mount Zion a pars pro toto for the actual Jerusalem, and indeed since the Crusades to pietistic efforts with streamers to the beginning of the 20th century.

Appearance of the city

In Rev. 21.11 to 15 EU follows a detailed description of the city. You should radiate from glaring light, his glassy gold and cubic shape. On each of the four sides, three city gates exist within the city walls, on which in turn are a total of twelve angels. In addition, should be noted on the outskirts of even the names of the twelve tribes of Israel. Gates and walls are adorned with jewels and precious stones.

Furthermore, the size of the city with a side length of 12,000 = 12 × 1000 is described stages, their buildings will be just as high. It is surrounded by a 144 = 12 ² cubits high wall. If you add a stadium of 185 meters, there is an edge length of 2,220 kilometers. Whether these figures are to be taken literally, is controversial. Some argue that because of the frequently encountered in the Bible symbolism of numbers was more likely from a the figures inherent inner message. For instance, the height of the wall 3 × 4 × 12 The focus is on three for a very high certainty, the Four for the four directions and thus the entire earth and the Twelve for the twelve tribes, and thus the whole people of Israel. The often mentioned herein that the number 12 has a mathematical meaning, which we know today from the dozen or 12 hours ago.

Historical reception

Especially during the time of the Crusades the idea was widespread that the liberation of the earthly Jerusalem by the Islamic " infidel " rulers would be the condition that the Heavenly Jerusalem could come. An example of the artistic reception of this idea is the so-called Barbarossa chandelier in the Palatine Chapel of Aachen Cathedral, a chandelier.

The Baptist called the controlled by them in the 1530s Münster " New Jerusalem ", see Baptist kingdom of Munster.

The Heavenly Jerusalem is the last section of the Requiem, In paradisum, almost as a synonym for paradise mention:

In paradisum deducant te Angeli: in tuo adventu suscipiant te Martyrs, perducant et te in civitatem sanctam Jerusalem.

To paradise like you escort angels: to thee the martyrs receive at your arrival and lead you into the holy city of Jerusalem.

In praise of God Catholic of 2013, the section decides the heavenly city (No. 549-554 ) the bulk of songs, it was originally Lutheran hymn Jerusalem, the highly built city.
