NGC 1097

NGC 1097 is the name of a galaxy in the constellation Fornax.

NGC 1097 is a galaxy with an active nucleus (Active Galactic Nuclei - AGN). In the center is a striking, approximately 5500 light years large ring with strong star formation. This area is currently target of several research projects, among others at ESO. There is strong evidence of a black hole with about 100 million solar masses at the core of the galaxy ( in the center of the Milky suspected black hole, however, is only a few million solar masses in size). Immediately adjacent is the elliptical galaxy NGC 1097A with striking box-shaped structure. NGC 1097A surrounds NGC 1097 at a distance of 42,000 light years. In NGC 1097 the previous three supernovae have been observed: 1992bd SN, SN and SN 2003B 1999eu.

The galaxy NGC 1097 was discovered on October 9, 1790 by the German - British astronomer William Herschel.
