NGC 6624

NGC 6624 is one discovered by the German - British astronomer William Herschel on June 24, 1784 globular clusters, which lies in the constellation Sagittarius. The globular cluster has an apparent magnitude of 7.6 mag.

In NGC 6624 six pulsars are known. PSR J1823 - 3021A in 1994, was the first who was tracked in the globular clusters. With the help of the U.S. Fermi Gamma - ray Space Telescope was 2011, a team headed by Damien Parent detect gamma radiation from this star rest. The object is thus the first known gamma pulsar in a globular cluster, and also has a new distance record for gamma pulsars. For the age of the neutron star, the researchers identified an upper limit of 25 million years ago. The Pulsar is not only the youngest millisecond pulsar has been discovered so far, but still has the strongest magnetic field of all known objects of this class.

In NGC 6624, there are, among others, still PSR B1820 -30A, PSR B1820 -30B and PSR B1820 - 30C and the X-ray Burster Sagittarius X 4 (X 1820-30 ), a low-mass X-ray binary star with an orbital period of only 11.5 minutes.
