Niccolò Soggi

Niccolò Soggi (* 1480 in Arezzo, † before 12 July 1552 ) was an Italian painter of the Umbro - Tuscan school.

Niccolò Soggi was an assistant and pupil of Pietro Perugino, he stands close stylistically. In addition, he was heavily influenced by the works of Pinturicchio and Piero di Cosimo. Around 1513, he worked in Rome and in Florence around 1522. After that, predominantly active in Arezzo, where he lived until about 1528. Further journeys led him to Prato, Milan and Rome again.

Niccolò Soggi worked mainly as a fresco painter and painter of altarpieces. Images mythological scenes are very rare.


  • Arezzo, San Francesco Sacra Conversazione to 1501 - 1515 (fresco )
  • The Adoration of the Child, to 1519 - 1521
  • Hercules at the Crossroads
  • Mary with the Child and the Infant John the Baptist.
  • Mary with the Child and Saints with fruit. ( On May 30, 1991 auction at Sotheby's in New York. )