Nights into Dreams…

NiGHTS into Dreams ... is a console game from the genre Jump 'n ' Run, which was developed by Sonic Team and published first in 1996 by the company Sega for the Sega Saturn. A special feature was that it was mostly sold along with a special Game Controller where it was one of the first analog controllers for game consoles.


Add NiGHTS you control one of two game characters to collect Ideyas that are scattered in the dream world Nightopia. Here are crystals that represent parts of the personality of a dreaming being. In addition to the normal running and jumping, the game offers this flight sequences when the player with NiGHTS, a former vassal of Wizeman, the villain of the game merges. In these sequences, multiple - combined movements are possible by the analog stick, which increase the number of points.

Another special feature in this game are the inhabitants of the dream world, the Nightopians. Man with his pawn in a certain extent, interact with them, what the game record and store during the course of a game. The interactions affect the mood of the inhabitants, and depending on the mood of the music of the game changed in many ways.

Special Edition

In December 1996, a stand-alone expansion was released, which became known as Christmas NiGHTS. In Japan it was sold with the console, in America it was different magazines at. The contained on this CD NiGHTS version responded to various data in the internal memory Saturn with different representation of environment, character and other music choice.


In February 2008 ( including the classic Saturn mode), a remake of NiGHTS into Dreams for the PlayStation 2 this has appeared next to two different game modes in addition an image gallery, a movie theater and support the 16:9 aspect ratio. The Christmas Edition Christmas NiGHTS is playable after activation. A marketing remake outside of Japan or a port for Wii is not provided, according to Takashi Iizuka.

In October 2012 appeared a new edition for the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, in December the same year, also on Steam.


In December 2007, appeared with NiGHTS: Journey of Dreams exclusively for Wii NiGHTS into Dreams of a sequel. In Europe, the game has been available since 18 January 2008.
