
The collections of twenty-one epochs (Japanese二十 一代 集, nijūichidaishū ) 21 compiled on the orders of various Tennō anthologies " Japanese Poems " ( Waka ). They are further divided into the collections of eight epochs (八 代 集, hachidaishū ), which were compiled until about the end of the Heian period, and the collections of thirteen epochs (十三 代 集, jūsandaishū ) from the transition to Kamakura time. Furthermore, even the less common name collections from three epochs exists (三代 集, sandaishū ), which counts from the Kokin - Wakashū.

As an official, " compiled by imperial order collections " (敕 撰 集, chokusenshū ) that they are the much more frequent unofficial private " house collections " (家 集, kashu ) against.

The Shinkokin - Wakashū may be referred to as the last great waka collection, as in the following centuries, Waka was being increasingly replaced by newer forms of verse, such as renga and haiku.


* Period between Imperial command and completion.
