Nikitsky Botanical Garden

The Botanical Garden Nikita (Ukrainian Нікітський ботанічний сад Nikitskyj botanitschnyj sad, " Nikitaer botanical garden ") was founded in 1812 by Christian von Steven and is located about 7.5 km east of Yalta in the small settlement of Nikita.

The garden is under the Ukrainian Academy of Agriculture, it has twelve institutions. Main task is to explore the flora and fauna in the subtropical climate of the Crimea and their industrial use.

Here some 50,000 plants are shown from around the world on an area of ​​1100 ha. Famous is the Rose collection with more than 2000 species. There are numerous unique plants, including rare specimens of Himalayan and Lebanon cedar, rhododendrons, rare medicinal plants and a thousand years of pistachio tree. Connected to the Botanical Gardens are one of the oldest botanical libraries, a museum and one of the largest herbaria.

