Nikola Karev

Nikola Karev Janakijew ( Bulgarian and Macedonian Никола Янакиев Карев; * 11 Novemberjul / November 23 1877greg in Krusevo, .. .. † 14 Apriljul / April 27 1905greg in Rajčani ) was a school teacher and a revolutionary.

He was a member of the Bulgarian Macedonia - Adrian Opeler Revolutionary Committee (short BMARK ) and the Bulgarian Workers and Social Democratic Party. During the Ilinden Uprising Preobraschenie he was chairman of the existent only from 3 to August 13, 1903 Republic of Krusevo. During this time he co-authored with Nikola Kirov, the manifesto of Krusevo. After the suppression of the uprising, he fled again to Bulgaria. In 1905 he crossed the Bulgarian- Ottoman border as a voivode Tscheta and was involved in hostilities with the Ottoman militia. In one of these battles he was killed near Rajčani.
