Noir Désir

Noir Désir was a French rock band that was formed in the 1980s in Bordeaux and disbanded in November 2010. It consisted of singer Bertrand Cantat the Serge Teyssot - Gay on guitar, Denis Barthe on drums and Frédéric Vidalenc (1996 replaced by Jean -Paul Roy ) on bass. The career of the group included more than 20 years and had its peak in the 1990s. The music and the lyrics of the band often express their opposition to fascism, capitalism and globalization.


Bertrand Cantat and Serge Teyssot - Gay, both in the same school class went in 1980 to the high school, decided to make music together; Denis Barthe joined a few months later. Noir Désirs second album ( released in 1990 ) led punk rock elements into their style. This continued into the next album Tostaky, which included a successful song of the same title. The group was one of the most popular French rock groups and continued their success with the album 666,667 Club and the remix album One Trip One Noise continued. Their last album Des visages des figures also contains the song Le vent nous portera which was recorded together with the also French-speaking singer Manu Chao.

On a visit to Lithuania in July 2003 Bertrand Cantat struck during a violent dispute so heavily on his girlfriend Marie Trintignant one that she died after a brief coma from the consequences of their injuries inflicted. For this he was sentenced on 29 March 2004 by a court in Vilnius for manslaughter to eight years in prison.

In September 2005, the group released originally been planned for 2003 album Noir Désir en public with musical highlights of their last tour in 2002, as well as a double - DVD set Noir Désir en images with videos of their live performances. The singer Cantat was made possible by a special permit employees to the material. On 16th October 2007 Cantat was released for good behavior, subject to conditions of detention. The band has now signed a contract for three new studio albums after the release of Cantat, with the label Barclay.

In November 2008, on the official website of the group, two new tracks ( " Gagnants - Perdants " and " Le temps des Cerises " ) provided for free download. These originate from the next album " Gagnants - Perdants " which should be published in early 2009, the publication was delayed, however. It was this is the first artistic " sign of life " of the group since the dismissal of Bertrand Cantat from prison.

In November 2010, Serge Teyssot - Gay announced but due to personal and musical differences with Bertrand Cantat his exit at, after which the remaining three band members announced the dissolution of the group.



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  • The song Le vent nous portera was translated and gecovert among others, the Berlin street musician Felix Meyer. It was also sampled in parts in the song Vacation Tape by Rainer Weichhold and Nick Olivetti.