Norbert A’Campo

Norbert A'Campo (* 1941) is a mathematician who deals with singularity theory.

A'Campo in 1972 at the University of Paris-Sud in Orsay at Harold William Rosenberg PhD ( Feuilletages de variétés et monodromy de singularités ). He is a professor at the University of Basel.

A'Campo is primarily concerned with geometry and topology of singularities with links to the example of knot theory. In 2003 he developed a new rigorous definition of real numbers as equivalence classes of fast - homomorphisms of integers, inspired by the works of Henri Poincaré homeomorphisms of the unit circle.

1988/89 he was president of the Swiss Mathematical Society. In 1974 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Vancouver ( monodromy of isolated singularities of plane curves). He is a Fellow of the American Mathematical Society.
