
Normandykes (coordinates: NO 830 994 ) is the site of a Roman marching camp one miles southwest of Peterculter, a suburb of Aberdeen, Scotland.

The camp is located about six miles or less than half a day's march north of Raedykes - bearing. It is conceivable that today's route was chosen from a day's march to bypass Red Moss, a virtually impassable bog near the present Netherley. The almost rectangular storage measures approximately 860 x 510 meters and covers approximately 430 acres of the summit and the eastern slopes of a hill near the Dee and the B9077 to the south.

In Normandykes was excavated in 1935 by Richmond and MacIntyre; at the design stage, it is believed that it dates from the time of the adoptive emperors or the Severus. Aerial photographs of Normandykes were made 1947-1976.
