
59.017777723.34027777Koordinaten: 59 ° 1 ' N, 23 ° 20' O

Norrby ( German Norbi, estonia Swedish Norrbe ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the rural community Vormsi ( Vormsi vald ) in Lääne. The town lies in the northeast of the fourth largest Estonian island of Vormsi ( German Worms, Swedish Ormsö ).

Inhabitants and History

Norrby today eleven inhabitants ( 31 December 2011). The village was inhabited until the Second World War, like all the villages Vormsis majority of Estonian Swedes.

The place was first mentioned in documents in 1540 under the name Norbw. For the year 1565 he is listed as Norby.

North of Norrby stands on the Baltic coast, a large boulder from Rapakiwi, the Kirikukivi ( estonia Swedish Kerkstain or Eernstain, to German " church stone " or " stone eagle "). It has a height of 6.5 meters. Since 1941 he is under state protection.


For local area includes the upper and lower lighthouse Norrby. They were built in 1935. The upper made ​​of reinforced concrete lighthouse is 32 meters high. Its diameter is three meters. The lower lighthouse measures 22 meters, its diameter is two meters.
