Nuphar pumila

Small pond lily (Nuphar pumila )

The little pond lily (Nuphar pumila ) is a species of the genus of water lilies ( Nuphar ) in the family Nymphaeaceae ( Nymphaeaceae ).

  • 4.1 Literature


The little pond lily is a perennial herbaceous plant. This water plant produces rhizomes, which have a diameter of 1-3 cm. Your floating leaves resemble those of the pond rose, but only 5 to 15 cm long. They have 11 to 18 lateral leaf veins. The lower leaf surface is different hairy. There are trained underwater leaves.

Have the yellow, slightly fragrant, hermaphroditic, flowers radial symmetry they opened to a diameter of 2 to 3 inches. The sepals are yellow. There are many spirally arranged petals present. The 37-65 stamens are twice as long as wide. The dust bags are 1 to 6 mm long. Of fertile pollen is more than 90 %. The mostly flat, star-shaped, wavy on the edge book clearly term scars plate measures 6 to 8.5 mm in diameter. There are seven to twelve leaking into the edge scars Rays present.

1 to 2 cm wide in the upper part of fruit is often curved to one side. The brown seeds are 3.5 to 4 mm long.

The flowering period extends from June to September. The pollination takes place by insects. The spread of fruits is done by water.

The chromosome number is 2n = 34

Occurrence and distribution

The Small Pond Rose populated cool, acidic and nutrient-poor, meso-to oligotrophic bog and mountain lakes. Here it is rooted in the rule in 50 to 350 cm depth on Torfschlammböden.

The species is widespread in the mountains and their forelands of the tempered and partly also the hot temperate zone, but especially in cool and north - temperate Eurasia.

In Scandinavia, the Small Pond Rose is mainly found in the northern part, where they can be found in northern Sweden to 450 m, in southern Norway altitudes up to 800 meters. In eastern Siberia it penetrates partly to the limit of the Arctic in the area of ​​the rivers Olenegk, Jana and Indigirka. The area in the south part of Central Europe is mainly limited to the area of the northern Alps (here up to 1700 m ) and the low mountain ranges, isolated the species is also found in the Massif Central in France. The deposits in the Altai are also of submontanem character. Maybe the little pond rose comes in the territory of the Lower Yangtze River ( Anhwei, Chekiang ) before, but the information on this doubtful.

In Central Europe, two distinctly separate areas of distribution are available. The occurrence of the South Baltic area rich in the west to Mecklenburg, isolated individual outposts are also present in northwestern Germany; east of the Oder, the species is however to be found much more frequently. Furthermore, the small pond lily (usually perimontan ) in the foreland of the Sudetes, found in Bohemia and Moravia and in the Waldviertel. In the northern foothills of the Alps a few scattered occurrences of Geneva, Lucerne and Zurich to in the area of Bad Tölz can be found. In the southeastern outskirts are in Ossiach in Carinthia a population. Chance of the species is to be found in the Alps, but in most of the Central Alps as well as in the entire southern and western Alps missing. Other deposits are found in the southern Black Forest, the Vosges, Lorraine and the Jura Mountains.

The Small Pond Rose joins in Central Europe, especially elements of the Nordic tundra and bog flora of which occur as glacial relicts in the moraine of the northern foothills of the Alps and in the northeastern Baltic lowlands. These are, for example, Betula nana, Carex chordorrhiza, Carex microglochin and Saxifraga hirculus.

Most of today's localities lie in the area of Nordic or alpine glaciation. Holocene, the area of ​​the Little Pond Rose in Central Europe has significantly reduced.



Nymphaea lutea L. pumila var Timm, Nuphar shimadae Hayata, Nymphaea lutea subsp. pumila ( Timm ) Bonnier & Layens, Nymphaea pumila ( Timm ) Hoffmann.


  • Nuphar pumila L. subsp. pumila ( Syn: Nuphar bornetii H.Léveillé & Vaniot, N. minima ( Willd. ) Smith, Nymphaea lutea var minima Willd. )
  • Nuphar pumila subsp. sinensis ( Handel-Mazzetti ) D.Padgett ( Syn: Nuphar sinensis Handel-Mazzetti )


  • Description in the Flora of China. (English )