Oberstdorfer Hammerspitze

Oberstdorf hammer tip and high Gehrenspitze

The Oberstdorf Hammerspitze (formerly in Oberstdorf parlance hammer tip and the Kleinwalsertaler parlance Schüsser ) is a 2260 m, according to the Austrian Survey 2259 m above sea level. A. high mountain in the Allgäu Alps.


The Oberstdorf hammer tip lies northwest of the Fiderepass ( 2035 m) and the Fiderepasshütte ( 2067 m) and southeast of the Walser hammer tip ( 2170m ). In the latter Connection Ridge to the summit of the high Gehrenspitze (also Northwestern Hammerspitze 2251 m) rises.


Due to the different denominations in the Kleinwalsertal in the Northeast and the Oberstdorf page in the east, the name situation of the mountains mentioned previously hammer tip and Schüsser presented complicated dar. why was carried out in July 2013 an official renaming of the mountains in order to improve the situation, for example, for emergency calls. Walser hammer tip and from the German hammer tip and the Austrian Schüsser the Oberstdorf hammer tip was from the German and Austrian Schüsser hammer tip.

In the official German and Austrian card works, the two mountains were each named vice versa. In the Bavarian map the combination hammer tip was ( 2260 m) and Schüsser ( 2170 m), in the Austrian map thus: Schüsser ( 2259 m) and hammer tip ( 2170m ).

In the revised boundary description of 1844 states: "against the sailor ... on the sailor, is which called on the Vorarlberg side Hammerspitz " While the term hammer is an expression of Walser German and as meaning, rock ' has is the root word Schisser the Allgäuerischen entstammend. It means the stones throwing down ' and, for example, in Schisser Kar in Warmatsgund on the German side used. However, " sailor " in the boundary description is used for the whole mountain ridge between the pulpit wall and Fiderepass. Thaddeus Steiner thought that was perhaps a distinction on the Austrian side earlier between the hammer head, so the Schüsser, and the hammer tips.


On the Oberstdorf hammer tip leads no applied gate. You can reach them with sure-footed over the ridge of the Walser hammer tip. This climbing difficulties must be mastered in the second degree. In the orientation help sparse markings. During the ascent of the Fiderepasshütte the difficulty of the III. Degrees.
