
From left Rothorn, Blüemlisalphorn, Oeschinenhorn, Fründenhorn

To the east of the summit lies with the Blüemlisalphorn, the Wyssen woman and the Morning Horn Blüemlisalp, west closes over the Oeschinenjoch ( 3172 m) to the Fründenhorn, which further leads on to doldenhorn. To the south the Oeschinenhorn falls into a steep rock face from the Kanderfirn. To the north of the northwest ridge leads towards Oeschinensee. This ridge is surrounded by two glaciers, east of the Front Blüemlisalpgletscher and west of the Oeschinengletscher.

Summit routes

Starting point for an ascent is the Fründen Hut ( 2562 m), which is accessible from Kandersteg.

The Oeschinenhorn is rarely climbed as the sole tour destination.

The normal route to the summit via the northwest ridge. From the summit there will be considerable overshoot on the southwest ridge on the Blüemlisalphorn to (ZS, III. Degrees).
