Ólafur Thors

Ólafur Thors (also Ólafur Tryggvason, born January 19, 1892 in Arne Borg, † December 31, 1964 in Reykjavík ) was an Icelandic politician of the Independence Party ( Sjálfstæðisflokkur ) and five-time Prime Minister of Iceland.


Studies and climb to the Minister

Ólafur, a son of coming from Denmark entrepreneur Philip Thor Axel Jensen (1863-1947) and the Icelandic Margrét Þorbjörg Kristjánsdóttir (1867-1945), earned his university entrance qualification ( Stúdentspróf ) 1913 on Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík, Iceland 's oldest high school. Subsequently, he began studying at the University of Copenhagen, but resigned in 1914 in his father's company Kveldúlfur. Between 1918 and 1935 he was director of the company founded by his father in 1916 trawler company Félag íslenskra botnvörpuskipaeigenda.

Ólafur began his political career, first in 1921 with the election as a member of the City Council of Reykjavík, before 1924, the newly formed Conservative Party Íhaldsflokkurinn joined. As a candidate of the Independence Party in 1926 was followed by the first election for members of the Althing, where he remained until his death. On 3 June 1932, he was followed by Magnús Guðmundsson as vice chairman of the Independence Party and was on 14 November 1932 as the Minister of Justice ( Dómsráðherra ) of Prime Minister Ásgeir Ásgeirsson first appointed to a government. However, he held that post only a little more than a month to 23 December 1932. On 2 October 1934, he was the successor of Jón Þorláksson Chairman of the Independence Party ( Sjálfstæðisflokkur ) and maintained this position for 27 years until 22 October 1961. Hereinafter Cabinet of Prime Minister Hermann Jónasson he was 1939-1942 Minister of Industry ( Iðnaðarráðherra ). Between 1936 and 1944, and from 1948 until his death he was also Chairman ( Bankaráði ) Landsbanki Íslands of, the country's oldest and second-largest bank.

Five-time Prime Minister

As Ólafur on 16 May 1942 as the successor of Hermann Jónasson first Prime Minister himself ( Forsætisráðherra ) of the Kingdom of Iceland was, he took in his reigning until December 16, 1942 Government at the same time the Foreign Minister ( Utanríkisráðherra ).

As a non-party politician Björn Þórðarson, his successor in the office of the Prime Minister, resigned on 21 October 1944 was the first Prime Minister of the Republic of Iceland Ólafur and was at the same time until the end of his term on February 4, 1947 Secretary of State. 1947 and 1948 he also served as Representative of Iceland to the United Nations General Assembly.

After the end of the first social democratic government under Stefán Jóhann Stefánsson he was then on December 6, 1949 and was prime minister again, this time until his election defeat on March 4, 1950, the Office of the Minister of Social Affairs held. In the subsequent coalition government of the coming of the Progress Party Steingrímur Steinthorsson he took over the office of the Minister of Fisheries and industry.

Subsequently, he was on 11 September 1953 to July 24, 1956 Prime Minister himself again and remained in that time Minister of Fisheries.

On November 20, 1959 Ólafur eventually became the fifth and last Prime Minister of Iceland. On October 22, 1961, the former deputy party chairman Bjarni Benediktsson took office as chairman of the Independence Party. This followed on November 14, 1963 in the Office of the Prime Minister and continued the coalition government begun by Ólafur with the Social Democratic Party continues.
