Ompundja Constituency

Ompundja is a small town with county government in the region Oshana in northern Namibia. The village is only 14 km south of Oshakati, the capital of Oshana.

The whole circle of the same Ompundja ( NA.ON.OM ) has 4,423 inhabitants.


Okaku | Okatana | Okatyali | Ompundja | Ondangwa | Ondangwa Town | Ongwediva | Oshakati City (East ) | Oshakati City (West ) | Uukwiyu | Uuvudhiya

- 17.915.7Koordinaten: 17 ° 54 ' S, 15 ° 42 ' E

  • Location in Namibia
  • Oshakati
  • Place in Africa