Oswald Jacoby

Oswald ( Ozzie ) Jacoby ( born December 8, 1902 in Brooklyn, New York City; † June 27, 1984 in Dallas ) was a versatile American game expert and book author.

Oswald Jacoby met with six years whist game. He took part in the First World War, but spent most of the time in poker. He then studied at Columbia University, was 21 years old the youngest member of the Society of Actuaries and worked as an actuary.

Besides Oswald Jacoby was a sought-after bridge columnist and was considered one of the best players of his time, he played 1931 times as a partner of Sidney Lenz in the Bridge Battle of the Century against Ely Culbertson. Oswald Jacoby won many awards, such as the Bermuda Bowl twice (ie the World Cup in bridge ), the Charles H. Goren Award and many tournaments, especially as a partner and his wife Zita Mary and his son James.

Oswald Jacoby was a member of the famous Four Horsemen teams and Four Aces. The Bridge World is Jacoby best known as the inventor of Jacoby transfers and the Jacoby 2NT.

Oswald Jacoby developed in collaboration with John R. Crawford, a strategy for the Canasta game. Oswald Jacoby and John Crawford won the Great Canasta Challenge match against Theodore Lightner and Sam Fry in 1950 and wrote the rules of the Samba Canasta.

Oswald Jacoby was also an excellent backgammon player. He was a member of that commission which drafted the rules of modern backgammon in 1931 at the instigation of Wheaton Vaughan from the Card and backgammon Committee of the New York Racquet and Tennis Club. Oswald Jacoby won the tournaments in the Bahamas in the years 1966, 1967, and 1968 to 1969 he took second place - and 1972 world champion. In backgammon, Oswald Jacoby is today still known as the inventor of the Jacoby Rule. Together with John R. Crawford, he wrote in 1970 The Backgammon Book.

Oswald Jacoby wrote more than 10,000 newspaper articles and many books about Bridge, Canasta, Gin Rummy, Poker, and the mathematics of card games.


  • The Four Aces System
  • What is New in Bridge
  • Improve Your Bridge With Oswald Jacoby: 125 Bridge Hands from the Master
  • The Backgammon Book ( with John R. Crawford ); In 1970.
  • Oswald Jacoby 's Complete Canasta, Doubleday & Co, Inc., 1st Edition, New York 1950,
  • Oswald Jacoby's Revised Complete Canasta, Doubleday & Co, Inc., 1st Edition, New York 1951