Otishi National Park

The National Park Otishi (Spanish: Parque Nacional Otishi ) is an association founded on 13 January 2003 National Park in Peru, which was adopted by Decree N º 003-2003 -AG.


The 2925.76 square kilometer park extends over the higher elevations of the Cordillera de Vilcabamba. The area extends from the Río Tambo district in the province of Satipo in the region Junín up in the district Echarate in the province of La Convención in the Cusco region.

The Parke is located in an area which until 12/20/0/S and the western longitudes 72/50/0/W located between the southern latitudes 11/10/0/S to 73/35/0/W.

In the park is only one road to Puerto Ocopa (11 ° 9 ' S, 74 ° 18' W 11.146666666667 74.305555555556 -. Then you reach the park just across the rivers Río Ene, Tambo and Rio Apurimac.

Another potential access to the park is the Río Urubamba.


The park includes four different forest zones. These are to:

  • Very humid tropical pre- montane forest with an annual average rainfall of 3800 millimeters. This part is dominated by climax vegetation.
  • Tropical Pre- montane rain forest with an annual rainfall of over 4000 millimeters. The vegetation varies from small to medium-sized plants to thin slender trees.
  • Niederer tropical and subtropical mountain rain forest with an annual rainfall up to 4500 mm with small to medium trees and vegetation typical of the Puna
  • Tropical and sub-tropical mountain rain forest, the average rainfall varies between 2000 and 4000 millimeters here. The vegetation is dominated by up to 15 feet tall trees.

A survey has revealed three different types of vegetation. First, here is a sour grass plants, Xyris sp., Eriocaulon, Bartsia, valerian, old man herbs and shrubs such as Compositae, ericaceous and gentian plants to mention. In between there are trees in the genus Weinmannia, Symplocos and Bergaralien. Another area of the park is dominated by Polylepis. In a third area of ​​vegetation can be found Symplocos, Gynoxys and Myrsine.



In the park 123 kinds of Fledertieren were counted. At altitudes around 3300 the fauna of 10 different rodent species is dominated. So you can find here real wild guinea pigs (Cavia ). At this height, also the spectacled bear ( Tremarctos ornatus ) is native. 1997 in the territory of a new kind of science called Cuscomys Ashaninka was discovered, which belongs to the family of chinchilla rats. Another rodent, which occurs in the area is house - shrew opossum ( Monodelphis domestica). Up to 1000 meters can be found among mammals Pacas, red deer, White-lipped Peccary, Collared Peccary and a few large species of monkeys.

In The Park 412 bird species have been counted. Among them are, inter alia, the gray crown Schnäppertyrann ( Myiophobus pulcher ), the rust -throated thistle tail ( Schizoeaca vilcabambae ), the Marcapata Tree panties ( Cranioleuca marcapatae ), the White-spotted Ameisenpitta ( Grallaria erythroleuca ) and Parodi Hemispingus ( Hemispingus parodii ).

Amphibians and Reptiles

2003, which belongs to science and new style to the family of Zwergtejus kind Proctoporus was sucullucu in the park as well as two new Froschlurcharten the genus Phrynopus (including Phrynopus ayacucho ) discovered.
