Otto Grote zu Schauen

The baron Otto Grote Look ( born December 25, 1636jul / January 4 1637greg in Sonderborg (Schleswig ). .. . † 5 Septemberjul / September 15 1693greg in Hamburg ) was a brunswick - lüneburgischer statesman.


Otto Grote came from the nobility lüneburger line de Grote. After the Thirty Years' War, he studied from 1653 to 1656 at the University of Helmstedt and Leiden University and then went traveling.

From 1665 he was a privy councilor and president of the Chamber of Duke Johann Friedrich of Brunswick- Lüneburg. These functions he held also for the younger brother and successor, John Frederick, Elector of the later " electoral Hanover ", Ernst August. De facto Grote was involved to Look First Minister and after numerous diplomatic missions in 1692 crucial in acquiring the 9th cure for the House of Hanover.

Shortly before 1689 arrived Grote into the possession of direct imperial rule Look in the northern Harz, with possession of the acquisition of the baron - dignity and thus the name of Imperial Baron Grote was connected to look at the same time.

Otto Grote died in the midst of negotiations with Denmark over Saxe-Lauenburg before the end of the Hamburg comparison. Months after his death the baron was buried on December 16, 1693 in Hanover Hofkirche for later transfer to the family vault.

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz wrote a couplet on the death of to look.
