
Bennett Schwalm ( Aegotheles bennettii )

The cave Schwalme ( Aegotheles ) are a genus of nine species in the same family of cave Schwalme ( Aegothelidae ) and to the order of Swifts include ( Apodiformes ). Cave Schwalme are restricted to New Guinea, one species lives in Australia and Tasmania, another in the Moluccas and New Caledonia. They live in open and dense forests.


In their appearance, especially with its round head and her sitting position, they resemble the owls. However, they are small and can reach lengths of 19 to 32 cm. Her eyes are on the side. The beak is small, hard and surrounded by long feathery bristles. Her legs are in proportion to the body short and petite. The short, wide beaks are surrounded on the beak root of bristle-like feathers. Your drawing is composed of fine dark waves on a bright color or of large white polka dots.

Way of life

The night - and night-active birds rest during the day in tree holes or on branches. They are loners. At night and at dusk they are looking on the ground for insects, spiders and other invertebrates or do they catch their prey in the air. Schwalme cave nest in tree cavities, sometimes in caves on steep banks and spend the day also. They build no actual nest, but lay the ground only with leaves. Your three to five eggs are white and speckled and silky shine. The young birds are bedunt. Otherwise, their reproductive behavior is unknown. Cave Schwalme give cooing tones, softly whistling, loud Zische Kreische and of itself.


Cave Schwalme were counted until recently, to the order of Schwalm -like ( Caprimulgiformes ) in the Swifts ( Apodiformes ) today but asked, as they are the sister group of the previous Swifts and the Schwalm -like paraphyletic would by it in relation to the Swifts. The relationships were evident in the following cladogram.

Schwalm -behaved ( Caprimulgiformes )

Cave Schwalme ( Aegothelidae )

Hummingbirds ( Trochilidae )

Swift ( Apodidae )

Tree Swift ( Hemiprocnidae )


  • Archboldbergschwalm ( Aegotheles archboldi )
  • Tree Schwalm ( Aegotheles cristatus)
  • Bennett Schwalm ( Aegotheles bennettii )
  • Mountain Schwalm ( Aegotheles albertisi )
  • Spot Schwalm ( Aegotheles wallacii )
  • Käuzchenschwalm ( Aegotheles insignis )
  • Moluccas Schwalm ( Aegotheles crinifrons )
  • Black back Schwalm ( Aegotheles savesi )
  • Lowland Käuzchenschwalm ( Aegotheles tatei )


  • Gottfried Mauersberger: Urania animal kingdom, birds Urania - Verlag, 1991, ISBN 3-332-00491-3
  • Frank Gill and Minturn Wright: BIRDS OF THE WORLD Recommended English Names. Princeton University Press, 2006, ISBN 0-7136-7904-2
  • Species in the genus Aegotheles