Pachysandra terminalis

Pachysandra terminalis

Pachysandra terminalis, rarely the large males, Dickanthere, Japanese Ysander and Pachysandra (botanical name of the genus ), called plant from the family of boxwood plants ( Buxaceae ). She is originally from the forests of Japan and China.

Description and

Pachysandra terminalis grows erect or creeping as evergreen shrub and reaches stature heights of up to 30 cm. Are formed rhizomes. The short- stalked ( 1-3 cm) leaves are alternate to four to six close together. The leathery leaf blade has a size of 2.5 to 5 (rarely to 9) × 1.5 to 3 (rarely 6 ) cm. The leaf margin is serrated most approximately the upper half, smooth the rest.

Pachysandra terminalis is monoecious getrenntgeschlechtig ( monoecious ). All varieties form from February 2 to 4 cm long, terminal, erect, candle-like, eared inflorescences with smooth bracts. Most of the inflorescences contain more than 15 male and one or two female flowers. The small, white, unisexual flowers are cruciform. The male flowers have four bloom, four stamens with about 7 mm long stamens and a 0.6 mm long sterile stamp. The standing mostly in the lower part of the inflorescence female flowers contain four to six bracts, a two to three compartments, superior ovaries, and two to three free thick pen with reflexed scars. The egg-shaped drupe is about 5 to 6 mm in size and still holds the stylus in their maturity. The seed is black.

The Japanese Ysander is toxic; it contains, like the boxwood, steroid alkaloids, including Pachystermin A and Pachysamin A.

Use as an ornamental plant

Pachysandra terminalis is in partial shade and shady areas on almost all soils a dense extensive cover from. Therefore, Pachysandra terminalis, also become in parks and gardens in Europe for many years a popular ground cover. The undemanding plant spreads by underground runners quite fast and is particularly suitable for under planting of larger trees.

Are cultivated in gardens and parks varieties of Pachysandra terminalis var terminalis and Pachysandra terminalis var compacta ( only 15 to 20 cm high). There is also a variegated variety.


  • Tianlu Min & Paul Bruckner: Flora of China, Volume 11, p.321: Pachysandra terminalis - Online. (English )