PAIS Alliance

Movimiento País (also Acuerdo País, PAÍS as an abbreviation for Patria Altiva i Soberana, German Upright and Sovereign Fatherland) is a political movement and collective party of Ecuador, the eight political organizations emphasis in Quito and Cuenca, among them the current president of Ecuador, Rafael Correa founded Alianza País, the movement Ruptura de los 25 and Acuerdo Progresista includes. She identifies with the Bolivarianism and the ideals of the Liberal Revolution Eloy Alfaro.

She presented with about 70 % of the votes, the absolute majority in the Constituent Assembly of Ecuador in 2007/ 08 and until the elections in 2009 in the new parliament. To their governing body include not only Rafael Correa, the economist Alberto Acosta, Vice President Lenín Moreno and other important public figures in Ecuador. The political project of Movimiento País is the Revolución Ciudadana ( " Civic Revolution"), against the Partidocracia based ( " party rule " ) of the traditional parties. This project is divided into Political, Economic, Ethical, Social and Sovereign revolution to be achieved mainly through institutional channels.

Movimiento País reached in the elections to the National Assembly in April 2009, 59 of 124 seats and is thus dependent on alliances. The simultaneous local elections were successful for Movimiento País, so they set about with Augusto Barrera the new mayor of Quito. In the local elections in February 2014, the movement lost the mayoral offices in the five largest cities of Ecuador to the opposition.

Movimiento País reached in the elections to the National Assembly in February 2013 91 of 137 seats and is thus dependent on alliances.
